Raquel is a very talented model in addition to being a talented, creative designer. I loved the different expressions and poses she created! Very out of the ordinary and fun.
The shoot was fabulous for yet another reason as well. Very talented local Makeup Artist Laura Westrem played a big role in the success of this shoot as well. Laura brings a load of experience, including work on films to the table. Just wait until you see her work below; incredible!
If this wasn't enough, Laura and Raquel acted as the art directors for this shoot! All I had to do was set up the lighting and push the button. See, I told you it was a lucky day for me!
So, that's the setup. Now here's some photos from the shoot. All shots were taken using my standard high key setup with the background 1.5 steps brighter than the light falling on the model and using a beauty dish for the key light.
This photo was taken explicitly to showcase Laura's awesome hairstyling and makeup for the first look.
The five photos above are illustrative of Raquel's unique and fun posing style. She can really nail the expressions!
Looking for some "out there" Lady Ga Ga styling? Look no further than the next two photos!
And then there is the modified Lady Ga Ga look below...
All I can say, and it's really not enough, is THANK YOU Laura and Raquel for an awesome shoot! What a hoot!
I know this is a longer than normal post, but I have to include a couple of Roxie's belly crunchers...
And, finally the video. Enjoy!
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John...what awesome work you put together! Love the video and all the looks to it :-) Thanks for all your hard work on this,the shoot and all the great comments! You rocked! -Laura Westrem